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Is Arabian Berlin Wall Falling?


Is The Arabian Berlin Wall Falling?

That is from a headline from a French publication, rue89. Protests are under way of varying power in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Algeria. Israel is evacuating its diplomats from Egypt.

It might be one of the greatest ironies of history if all the king’s horses and and all the king’s men, I am referring to the U.S. and its allies and Russia, could not control Islamic fanatics but democracy-hungry Arabs did it themselves?

Certainly Washington’s theory since 9/11 has been that democracy would be the most effective way to stop terrorism. It would seem Arab tyrants have learned as little from history as Obama, Bush, Blair, Sarkozy, and Israel. Brutally attacking your people will teach them how to fight back. It is simple evolution.

As for the possibility that it will result in Muslim fanatics running countries that certainly is a possibility. But religious tyrants are not invulnerable, either.

What follows comes from the Islam Times:

“Islam Times reports that anti-government protests in Egypt were able to exceed the number of 50,000 in the Al-Tahrir Square. This is the fifth day of protests in Egypt; a day where enters a new stage. The people of Egypt defied martial law and protested last night. They rejected the promises of Hosni Mubarak to change the government. They are demanding a total resignation of the political system in Egypt; they are demanding the resignation of Hosni Mubarak.

“The protests are reaching such heights that supporters of the government cannot remain silent. America has asked Mubarak to refrain from being violent with the protesters and to reform Egypt’s political system. The European Union issued a statement demanding the violence to stop.

The Egyptian television announced that martial law will continue. The martial law was not respected last night; we will see what happens tonight.”

It is clear that the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, Google and Wikileaks are playing a role. The wiki community was caught by surprise in Tunisia. Not this time. Websites have gone up giving information on how to get around Egypt’s firewall. Methods include using old-fashioned things faxes and dialups. Traditional journalists at Al Jazeera have earned their pay, and elevated their standing while much of the Western mainstream media sat mute.

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